Anam Residence

The Reservation Page is Disabled.

Contact & Location
Anam Residence

Jalan Tanah Barak 37i , Canggu, BALI, 8001, Indonesia

Contact us
$(function(){ render_calendar(''); }); function render_calendar(this_room_id) { var days_custom = []; var txt_custom = []; var days_custom2 = []; var txt_custom2 = []; var booking_id=''; var rateplan = $('#checkin'+this_room_id).attr('data-rateplan'); var roomtype = $('#checkin'+this_room_id).attr('data-roomtype'); var property = $('#checkin'+this_room_id).attr('data-property'); var months = $('#checkin'+this_room_id).attr('data-months'); var arrow = $('#checkin'+this_room_id).attr('data-arrow'); var url = $('#checkin'+this_room_id).attr('data-url'); var checkin = $('#checkin'+this_room_id).val(); var today = new Date(); var lastDate = new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth()+24,today.getDate()); $.ajax({ type: "GET", cache: false, url: ""+property, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { function formatDate(date) { var d = new Date(date), month = '' + (d.getMonth() + 1), day = '' + d.getDate(), year = d.getFullYear(); // if (month.length < 2) // month = '0' + month; if (day.length < 2) day = '0' + day; return [year, month, day].join('-'); } function closestTo(arr, key, direction) { var last = arr.length - 1; var first = 0; var keyIndex = arr.indexOf(key); switch (direction) { case ('next'): if (keyIndex != last) { return arr[keyIndex + 1]; } else { return arr[first]; } break; case ('prev'): if (keyIndex != first) { return arr[keyIndex - 1]; } else { return arr[last]; } } } for (var t in data) { days_custom[days_custom.length] = data[t].date; txt_custom[data[t].date] = data[t].date; } var dateFormat = "dd MM yy", from = $( "#checkin"+this_room_id ).datepicker({ onClose: function(){ to.datepicker('show'); }, hideIfNoPrevNext: arrow, numberOfMonths: +months, dateFormat: 'dd MM yy', minDate: 0, maxDate: lastDate, beforeShow: function(input, inst) { $('#ui-datepicker-div').addClass('pickreserve'); $('#ui-datepicker-div').removeClass('pickselect'); }, beforeShowDay: function(date) { t_date = $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-m-dd', date); if (days_custom.indexOf(t_date) > -1) { var dt = new Date(t_date); var prev_date=formatDate(dt.setDate( dt.getDate() - 1 )); var prev_date2=(closestTo(days_custom,t_date,'prev')); if (prev_date==prev_date2) return [false, 'free-day', txt_custom[t_date]]; else return [false, 'free-day2', txt_custom[t_date]]; } else return [true]; if (days_custom2.indexOf(t_date) > -1) { return [true, 'ntooltip', txt_custom2[t_date]]; } return [true]; } }) .on( "change", function() { to.datepicker( "option", "minDate", getDate( this ) ); }), to = $( "#checkout"+this_room_id ).datepicker({ hideIfNoPrevNext: arrow, numberOfMonths: +months, dateFormat: 'dd MM yy', maxDate: lastDate, beforeShowDay: function(date) { t_date = $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-m-dd', date); if (days_custom.indexOf(t_date) > -1) { var dt = new Date(t_date); var prev_date=formatDate(dt.setDate( dt.getDate() - 1 )); var prev_date2=(closestTo(days_custom,t_date,'prev')); if (prev_date==prev_date2) return [false, 'free-day', txt_custom[t_date]]; else return [true, 'free-day2', txt_custom[t_date]]; } if (days_custom2.indexOf(t_date) > -1) { return [true, 'ntooltip', txt_custom2[t_date]]; } return [true]; }, onSelect: function(dateText, inst) { $('#resp_booking_page').html(''); $('.summary').hide(); $('.summary-mobile').hide(); $('#loading').show(); var promo_code=$("#promo_code").val(); var currency=$('#currency_code').text(); $("#checkin").prop('disabled', true); $("#checkout").prop('disabled', true); var formData = { 'property_id' : 450, 'user_id' : 0, 'checkin': $.datepicker.formatDate("dd mm yy" ,$("#checkin").datepicker("getDate")) , 'checkout':$.datepicker.formatDate("dd mm yy" ,$("#checkout").datepicker("getDate")) , 'currency': "IDR", 'currency_convert': currency, 'deposit': "IDR_50_Days before arrival_7", 'payment': JSON.stringify(["bnl_percent_3.5_payment*doku.php"]), 'taxes': "", 'promo_code': promo_code, 'booking_link': "", 'roomid': "", 'property_lang': '', 'lang_id': '100', 'source_booking' : '', 'google_tag' : '', 'type' : 'Villa', 'direct_domain' : '', 'extra_only' : '', 'max_infants_limit' : '1', 'whatsapp' : '', 'soldcontact' : '', 'captcha' : '0', 'ota_check' : '', 'timezone' : 'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur', 'get_country_country' : 'United States of America' }; $.ajax({ type : 'GET', url: "resp_booking_page.php", data : formData, // our data object dataType : 'html', // what type of data do we expect back from the server encode : true}) .done(function(data) { $('.summary').hide(); $('.summary-mobile').hide(); // log data to the console so we can see // console.log(data); $('#loading').hide(); $("#checkin").prop('disabled', false); $("#checkout").prop('disabled', false); $('#resp_booking_page').html(data); }); } }); function getDate( element ) { var date; try { date = $.datepicker.parseDate( dateFormat, element.value ); var newday = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(),date.getDate()+1); } catch( error ) { newday = null; } return newday; } } }); /* end of ajax*/ } var nb_reviews = $('.count_reviews').length; if(nb_reviews=='0') $('.show_reviews').hide(); $('.review-container').hide(); if (screen.width>=992) { setTimeout(function () { $('.guest_tooltip').tooltip(); //close the tooltip // $('.guest_tooltip').tooltip('show'); //close the tooltip }, 1000); } else $('.guest_tooltip').tooltip()